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Advance your participations
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Animation of your network of participations

We animate your network of participations through training webinars on ESG and impact. We encourage the sharing of good practices by co-designing and supplying toolkits adapted to the specific needs of the companies in your portfolio. We also provide support to participating companies who so wish, in the form of mentoring or more in-depth support.
Organization of webinars on ESG and impact
Provision of ESG toolkits
Realization of flash ESG reports and definition of action plans

Specific support for companies in your portfolio

We can provide more in-depth support to companies in your portfolio who so desire in defining, implementing and evaluating their CSR & impact strategy. We ensure that this strategy is fully integrated into the company's operations, bringing economic value and recognized if possible by external benchmarks (B Corp, mission company, Global Compact, Zei ...).
Definition and formalization of a CSR strategy
Support for B Corp certification
Support to become a company with a mission
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